
element represents a paragraph. Paragraph are usually represented in visual media as blocks of text separated from adjacent blocks by blank lines and/or first-line indentation, but HTML Paragraph can be any structural grouping of related content, such as images or form fields.


We are a group of talented software developers with more than 10 years of experience creating front-end applications. We are tired to see how many brilliant minds are reworking in the same thing because there are not standar and defined processes. We are tired of seeing how many companies are struggling to find good programmers. We are tired of seeing how there a lot of software in a trash because somebody does not defined the requirements at the right time.

    text={`We are a group of talented software developers with more than 10 years of experience creating 
    front-end applications. We are tired to see how many brilliant minds are reworking in the same thing 
    because there are not standar and defined processes. We are tired of seeing how many companies are 
    struggling to find good programmers. We are tired of seeing how there a lot of software in a trash 
    because somebody does not defined the requirements at the right time.`}
With ♥ by